Simply irresistible!!. Without a doubt The Beetle is the most famous car in the history. The earlier convertibles are difficult to find, and nowadays are fairly traded. 66 convertible is a quite rare model with special equipment from 65 and 67 models, a transition year. This stunning “Käfer” (which is the original german name) is highly well restored and simply looks fantastic. It´s been used for one of the current most famous top models in the world during a photo shoot in Marbella. The lovely color combination, light blue metallic exterior with ivory white interior makes this car irresistible. Avaliable for photo shootings, music videos, and weddings (as ladies favourite car), always turning heads wherever is driven.
Simply irresistible!!. Without a doubt The Beetle is the most famous car in the history. The earlier convertibles are difficult to find, and nowadays are fairly traded. 66 convertible is a quiterare model with special equipment from 65 and 67 models, a transition year. This stunning “Käfer” (which is the original german name) is highly wellrestored and simply looks fantastic. It´s been used for one of the current most famous top models in the world during a photo shoot in Marbella. The lovely color combination, light blue metallic exterior with ivory white interiormakes this car irresistible. Avaliable for photo shootings, music videos, and weddings. Ladies favourite car, turning heads wherever is driven.